Being an experiment, and not remembering his past, a man named Logan goes in a journey to recover his identity. But the man who experimented on him, Willian Striker,has different plans, he want to make a living weapon, so torturate logan, to becoming someone else, putting him the name of Wolverine. And his mission as this new identity is find a woman that is causing some problems to Striker, Lady Deathstrike, with the condition that if he kills her, Striker will tell Logan his real past. 

Post-Credits scene: Logan is in a bar, he asks for a beer and a cigarette, the door opens, but Logan does not turn around, and a bald man in a wheelchair stands near him and says: - You should take care of your health. Logan answers: -I don't want your fucking diagnosis doc. The man answers back: -Professor actually. Logan see him, -Charles Xavier nice to meet you James, And logan freak out says -What do just say?. -I could help you to know who you really are, let me help you Jam... well Logan or should i say... Wolverine,there are more like you. I want you to be an X-men. Logan replies: -An X-men? ...  Hell yeah.

Cast: Search it in the updated X-men fancast
