Plot: Now that Hulk is considered a hero to the people, Bruce doesn’t need to hide anymore, he decides to start working in a stark industries facility at the north of New York, specificly in gamma experiments to eliminate or at least have full control of his alter-ego, helped by a new addition to his team, Samuel Sterns, a veteran neuropsychiatric. Not too long after, as usual to Banner the experiment doesn’t go too well making an accident where Dr. Sterns sacrifices himself to save the rest of the team. But instead die he transforms into a version of hulk but not being super-strong, being super-smart. Sterns’ intelligence is rapidly corrupted just seeing that the world is already doomed, and needs a restart, and a Leader to the new generation. Bruce has to unleash the Hulk to stop the Leader but not even the emerald giant is enough, the leader knows the fight pattern and how to calm him. So Bruce and Hulk need to start to work together to fight against this psychopath which menaces all the living beings in the planet. 
Now that Hulk is considered a hero to the people, Bruce doesn’t need to hide anymore, he decides to start working in a stark industries facility at the north of New York, specificly in gamma experiments to eliminate or at least have full control of his alter-ego, helped by a new addition to his team, Samuel Sterns, a veteran neuropsychiatric. Not too long after, as usual to Banner the experiment doesn’t go too well making an accident where Dr. Sterns sacrifices himself to save the rest of the team. But instead die he transforms into a version of hulk but not being super-strong, being super-smart. Sterns’ intelligence is rapidly corrupted just seeing that the world is already doomed, and needs a restart, and a Leader to the new generation. Bruce has to unleash the Hulk to stop the Leader but not even the emerald giant is enough, the leader knows the fight pattern and how to calm him. So Bruce and Hulk need to start to work together to fight against this psychopath which menaces all the living beings in the planet.
