Plot: Matt Murdock, who in a tragic accident was blinded as a boy but imbued with extraordinary senses, sets up practice in his old neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen, New York where he now fights against injustice as a respected lawyer by day and masked vigilante at night, named Daredevil.
Post-Credit Scene: Wilson Fisk is shown in jail, and looks a cop, slowly walks at him and says: -this is just temporal ,he thought he won, this is only the beginning. The cop smiles and says: -It is Kingpin.
Cast: Very Soon ... (But Charlie Cox and Vincent D'onofrio still as Matt/Daredevil and Fisk/Kingpin respectively, obviously, they already perfect)
Post-Credit Scene: Wilson Fisk is shown in jail, and looks a cop, slowly walks at him and says: -this is just temporal ,he thought he won, this is only the beginning. The cop smiles and says: -It is Kingpin.
Cast: Very Soon ... (But Charlie Cox and Vincent D'onofrio still as Matt/Daredevil and Fisk/Kingpin respectively, obviously, they already perfect)
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