Plot: The Avengers members has done his own path in the last years, capturing some of their greatest foes, they are been captive in a prison called, the Raft, protected by agents of the new SHIELD. When a prison break caused by the Baron Zemo freed some of the most dangerous persons in the world, but there is a reason, he wants to create a team to kill the Avengers. With the Enchantress, Executioner, Crimson Dynamo and Abomination on his side, Baron Zemo creates the Masters of Evil. 
The Avengers will have to put together again not just for saving the world, now is a personal hazard, and now more than ever before the earth mightiest heroes needs to care for each other. 

Post-Credit Scene: Hank is really worried about the safety of the world, the avengers almost lost against the masters of evil, and they are the first line of the defense, they protect the world, but who will protect them, now more decided that ever, Hank walks in the new avengers facility's lab, and ask Jarvis, to start the test of the ULTRON protocol, he waits a couple of seconds, and then, the mark 2 iron man's armor turn on and says: -I'm ULTRON, a mechanism of protection, how can i help. Hank just smiles. 

2nd Post-credits scene: Tony and Steve, are talking about how lucky they were to survive the masters, Nick Fury walks in -You almost lose actually, Tony replies -Thanks for the support. -I'm just want to help, says Fury while walks out and goes to an office, Follow me!, Cap and Tony goes, and Fury says: -You might be the earth's mightiest heroes, but you are not enough anymore, i might lose SHIELD, but still have my eye in everything and everyone. Fury turn on a screen, Tony and cap sees it and Spider-man, Wolverine,The X-men, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Punisher, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Falcon, War Machine, Rogue, Carol Danvers, and The Fantastic Four, are in the screen. Steve sees Tony and says: -He's right, we have work to do. Tony smiles saying: We might need a bigger house for the party. 
