Plot: The mutants have been hidden for years in the shadows of society, but there is a mutant who welcomed the mutants who need support, CHARLES XAVIER, reunited a group of several inexperienced mutants and trained them to learn to control their powers. His first students were: Scott Summers (Cyclops) Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe (Storm), Hank McCoy (Beast), Warren Kenneth Worthington III (Angel) and Bobby Drake (Iceman)

On the other hand, ERIK LEHNSHERR (Magneto) tired of the racism that humans have had against the mutants, decides to fight for the superiority of his species. Xavier  knowing that Erick is a powerful mutant, tries to stop him before he reveals the mutants to society, and starts a war between the humans vs. mutants, for this Charles with his first students he creates a group to protect the men from the evil mutant, they call themselves the X-MEN.

Post-credits scene: The X-men were on the living room watching a movie, and someone rings the door, Charles open the door and sees Nick Fury ,introduced himself: Im Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, i want to know if you could be part of ..., Charles interrupts him: I know who you are, and what you do, and no we don't, thank you, (And all the x men team is behind Xavier.) We can handle this ourselfs. 

2nd Post-credits scene: After escaping Erik went to Europe, hes walking in the streets, apparently searching for something or someone, and finally he sees a house, and determined walks into it. (showing the families name on the mailbox:  Maximoff Family) 
