Plot: There are 9 worlds united by Yggdrasil, the tree of life, one of the realms Asgard, had bring peace to the worlds ever since his king Odin fought against the evil forces around the universe, but the time has passed, and now Odin needs to choose an heir between his two sons Thor, the god of thunder, or Loki, god of mischiefs. They rival, but Thor after a couple of bad decisions, gets exiled by his father to Midgard, taking off his powers, because he isn’t worthy of them.
Obligated to retrieve his power back due to a menace that could destroy the nine realms, Thor has to go through a journey that will show him the meaning of the power.

Post-Credits Scene: Dr. Erik Selvig are in S.H.I.E.L.D. facility and, Nick Fury after showing him the Tesseract, asks him to investigate the object further. Selvig agrees, unaware that his mind is being controlled by Loki.

2nd Post-Credits Scene: In a high tower of asgard, Amora and Scurch are talking, Scurch asks: -Now that your master has gone, what you gonna do?, Amora replies:-I learned enough, and if i want to win,i have to break his heart, at the same time she makes a spell showing Jane Foster. 
