Plot: The Smart Dr. Bruce Banner in an attempt for recreating an old Army serum, Experimented with gamma radiation, which turns him into a green monster calling himself the HULK. So he breaks out of the laboratory as HULK, and starts to destroy part of Harlem until appears the girlfriend of bruce, Betty Ross and calm him down, but it's to late, he already destroyed a lot of houses, and accidently kill a couple of people in the process. So Bruce/Hulk is now been pursuit it by the Army, leaded by the general Thunderbolt Ross, Betty's father.
Into the people that died in the event called "the incident" where the wife and son of Emil Blonsky, a retired veteran of the Army, who promises that himself will kill that beast who killed his whole life.
So, Blonsky reincorporate into the Army, and helps Generel Ross, to find Hulk. But he is not rival to the monster, so decides to experiment with a supposed perfectionated version of the experiment that gave birth to Hulk, without knowing that will turn him in an ABOMINATION. Now Bruce have to scape from the Army and Blonsky who has better control of his alter-ego
Post- Credit Scene: Bruce its in what seems to be India, he is kind of meditating with the TV on, and in the news he hears about what its described as a Magnetic Incident Caused in Westchester. Confused he stop meditating and look the TV, and starts to have flashbacks of the Harlem Incident, until his eyes turns green. The End
Into the people that died in the event called "the incident" where the wife and son of Emil Blonsky, a retired veteran of the Army, who promises that himself will kill that beast who killed his whole life.
So, Blonsky reincorporate into the Army, and helps Generel Ross, to find Hulk. But he is not rival to the monster, so decides to experiment with a supposed perfectionated version of the experiment that gave birth to Hulk, without knowing that will turn him in an ABOMINATION. Now Bruce have to scape from the Army and Blonsky who has better control of his alter-ego
Post- Credit Scene: Bruce its in what seems to be India, he is kind of meditating with the TV on, and in the news he hears about what its described as a Magnetic Incident Caused in Westchester. Confused he stop meditating and look the TV, and starts to have flashbacks of the Harlem Incident, until his eyes turns green. The End
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