Plot: After the events of the Avengers, the whole world has changed, ones are taking advantage of the fear of the population, making terrorist attacks, and Tony isn’t the exception of this change, he almost died a year ago and has post-traumatic stress, and now he doesn’t stop working in different inventions, which will make him ready for the next fight. The Iron Man armor is getting stronger while Tony is getting weaker and tired, this situation gives the chance to an old rival of Tony to rise again and attack him, the ten rings, led by the Mandarin whom promises that tony will suffer for the lives that he took. Tony after a devastating attack of the ten rings decides to end up this reign of fear, fighting with everything he has against his biggest enemy until now.

Post-Credit Scene: Hank Pym is in a tech-lab with Tony, explaining that he has an idea to create an kind protector to tony or the team, cause' they cant be teaming up everyday, but he has not knowledge in mechanics or artificial intelligence and wants tony to help him, Tony says: - I like the idea especcialy after what just happen, what the name of the project?, Hank answers back: -ULTRON.
