Plot: Reed Richards a genius in almost every branch of science and one of the world's brightest minds, since a young age, work at NASA to a space project that would take them to Mars for the first time, after hard work that even cost him several friends to Reed, he managed to complete the project. So a group of people chosen by Reed got together to accompany him on this first expedition: Ben Grimm, NASA Pilot and Reed's best friend, Susan Storm, Reed's love interest and Johnny Storm Susan's brother. During the trip they were intercepted by a cosmic cloud that collided with their ship, endowing them with fantastic powers. Despite being somewhat dissatisfied with their new way of life, they decided to use there powers to help people from possible threats.

Post-credits scene: A mountain top castle is shown in a throne room, someone hearing about the great new heros of the world the Fantastic Four, The man sitted in the throne grabs a helmet an puts it on. Whispering he says, "I will find you, there a debt you have to pay"
