Plot: SHIELD after suffering a mishap with LOKI which now possesses one of the most powerful artifacts ever seen by humanity, they are forced to initiate a protocol for the protection of life on earth which is why a group of people with extraordinary powers and abilities must unite to stop the God of Mischiefs plan. Tony Stark (Iron Man), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Bruce Banner (Hulk), Thor, Janet Van Dyne (Wasp) and Hank Pym (Ant Man) and SHIELD's top two agents, Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Clint Barton (Hawkeye ) will have to join forces and become the most powerful heroes on the planet, THE AVENGERS.

Post-Credits Scene: The Other informs his master of Loki's defeat before noting that challenging the Avengers would be courting Death, prompting THANOS to smile at the prospect.
