Plot: Dr. Hank Pyn, one of the brightest minds in history, was able to create a type of particle which allows anything to shrink to a very small size. He named this particle "Pym Particles". Several organizations are looking for this particle to use it to their advantage. But he did not count on one of his fellow lab scientists Elihas Starr selling all the particles to an organization with evil plans. So Hank Pym with the help of his girlfriend Janet Van Dyne will have to put on a spy-tipe suits and become ANT-MAN and WASP to recover Hank's work.

Post-credits scene: Phil Coulson, Fury's right hand, appears in Hank's lab and tells him that SHIELD needs them to search for something very particular. Hank doesn't want to, until Janet convinces him, and Hank asks Coulson: What do we have to do? Do you know Norse mythology? Coulson asks again.
